Five Date Ideas In Malmö

This article features some fun date ideas as Valentine’s Day approaches. These dates can be enjoyed with either a partner or a group of friends. Sometimes, a little help with figuring out what to do on a date or a reminder that your relationship needs a date night can be beneficial. Hopefully, these ideas will spark your interest and inspire your next outing, whether it is with a partner or friends.

The best typeface for people with dyslexia

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Resa billigt, miljövänligt och nyfiket som student

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Cheap Living in Malmö – Food Edition

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Happy Cinnamon Bun Day!

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We are back!

SUM is back at work, looking for creators.

Vill du vara med i nästa nummer av SUM?

Snart ska vi börja jobba på det nästa numret av SUM och söker dig som vill skriva, fota, rita, redigera eller hjälpa till med våra sociala medier och marketing.

SiM – Sektionen för socialarbetarstudenter

”I våra kretsar har det inte varit något engagemang alls”

Theme Days at the Writing Center: Are They Worth Your Time?

Malmö University hosts voluntary writing seminars for its students. But does anyone go to these things, and are they worth attending at all?

How to use LinkedIn for your job search

When online job-portals become the norm, how do you stand out from the crowd?