The 107th issue of Sum has been released this October, and it is quite big.
Image by: Simine Azarnoush
An unwritten sheet – the 107th issue of SUM
By: Simine Azarnoush
Published 23 October 2021
After an intense month of writing, illustrating and taking photographs, the editorial team of SUM has now published its 107th issue this October.
For many on the team, this was the first time ever where they did real editorial work. The team has had an exponential growth of contributors and members, making this issue the longest issue in a while (the printing house even needed to staple the back of it to hold it together!).
There’s always a lot more to the creative process than one first might think, and the same goes for the assembly of the magazine. The messy look of the computerized file makes it seem almost incomprehensible and so far away from the printed product.
All of our contributors have created amazing content. The process was very intense, since they were introduced to the project in September and the magazine had to be sent to print in October.
The issue can be found on campus by the entrance of Niagara and Orkanen. Some distribution has also been made to the Orkanen Library. And as always, we are looking for more members and content creators for the next issue and for this digital platform.
Send us a message to if you would like to join the team!