Cozonac – 5/11 Recipes from All over the World

Illustration: Beatrice Toreborg

Cozonac - 5/11 Recipes from All over the World

By: Georgina Laskari

28th of April 2022

So many of our traditions and habits circulate around sharing a meal with others, which can be a strong catalyst for bonding with each other.

Since living in Malmö, which is one of the most multicultural cities in the world, I came up with the idea to ask my friends what their favourite recipe is from their home country. This results in an amazing selection of traditional recipes from ALL around the world. Today’s recipe comes from Romania. It is suggested by my friend Helen and her mum. 




  • Blonde and black raisings/ fig or cherry marmalade/ chocolate


  • Egg white
  • Brown or white sugar


  • 1150gr flour for bun 
  • 240g sugar 
  • 100gr of fresh yeast and a dry sachet yeast
  • 200gr milk 
  • 120gr yogurt 
  • 85gr honey 
  • Orange zest 
  • 4 eggs and 4 more yolks 
  • 1 pinch of salt 
  • 250gr cow butter 
  • Three drops of rum oil 
  • 1 shot of brandy 


  1. Warm up the milk (up to 40 degrees) and put it in a bowl, with a spoonful of sugar and the yeast. Mix well and add the flour. Let it activate for ten minutes. 

  2. Mix again and leave it to rest for 10 more minutes. Repeat this process for one more time. 

  3. Once it doubles for the third time, mix again and pour all the ingredients together, apart from the butter. Knead for 7 minutes, either by hand or with a mixer. Put the dough in a greased pan and let it double (about an hour). 

  4. Knead again and add the butter in small doses. 

  5. Leave it again to inflate (about 45 minutes) and then take it out and make sticks. Fill them with whatever you want. 

  6. Let the dough rest for 30 more minutes in a pan, spread the dough with the egg white and sprinkle with sugar. 

  7. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in a preheated oven (160 degrees).

Credits to Helen and Veronica, for the info.

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