Sverok Leia – a gaming community for gaming girls and non-binary

Illustration: Johan Lantz

Sverok Leia - a gaming community for gaming girls and non-binaries

By: Hanna Lo Wallström

May 6th 2022

Leia is a network for girls and non-binary that like gaming. It is a safe space particularly for chatting, playing board games, workshops and lectures. There is also every year a weekend for every Leia to meet and do workshops. The network also teaches about streaming and being inclusive within the gaming community. Easy to join.

Have you ever felt unsafe while gaming online just because you are perceived as a woman? This network was especially created in mind to have a secure space for girls and non-binary that enjoy playing online, cosplay and other gaming-activities. An inclusive place for people to be themselves without fear.

There are also some events every year that Leia organises. A weekend filled with workshops, games, sharing of experiences, learning about streaming and meeting people IRL. The only requirement is for you to be a member in Sverok Leia and to be a girl or non-binary, that has the experience of being met as a girl while gaming online. There are also hangouts online where people can for example do arts and crafts, play games or just chat and meet new friends. During this weekend, usually in autumn, they also spread awareness about women and non-binary in the gaming community with lectures and,  at the same time, share valuable tools to make everyone able to stream.

What can you, as a Leia, do? Well, there are many things you can do as a Leia, such as talking to other awesome women and non-binary people, learn about streaming and seek support from other like-minded people. But you can also just pep each other, play boardgames and simply have fun. Additionally, it is where you can go to feel seen and share whatever is on your mind. 

Is it something else you are passionate about regarding gaming and the community but don’t have the resources to make it happen? Leia gives the opportunity for its members to start their own projects. It can be to start your own hang-outs in your own city or start a campaign to make gamers come closer together. Maybe it’s an opening you have been looking for all along. This network can give the support to make a change in the gaming community. 

Where can you find and join Leia? It’s really easy! Either join the Facebook group, SverokLeia, and start chatting right away or join the discord Sverok and the channels of Leia. Best of all, it’s free to join!

”Leia is a safe haven for girls and non-binary, to feel safe and seen.” - Nathalie Pettersson, coordinator of workgroup Leia.

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