Five Date Ideas In Malmö

Image: Kajsa Gingborn

Five Date Ideas In Malmö

By: Kajsa Gingborn and Lara Asmus

14th of February 2024

This article features some fun date ideas as Valentine’s Day approaches. These dates can be enjoyed with either a partner or a group of friends. Sometimes, a little help with figuring out what to do on a date or a reminder that your relationship needs a date night can be beneficial. Hopefully, these ideas will spark your interest and inspire your next outing, whether it is with a partner or friends.

Road Map To A First Date In Malmö

A first date is always filled with nerves, with the main goal being to get to know each other and determine compatibility. What better way to achieve this than going for a walk! If you enjoy nature and exercise, a walk through Malmö is a great way to connect. It’s a cost-effective option, allowing you to move around and explore all that Malmö has to offer.


Malmö boasts an abundance of parks and charming cafés lining the streets. Consider meeting up at the central station in Malmö, a familiar location for both newcomers and veterans. Take a stroll towards Kungsparken and enjoy a sunny day in the park. There are people milling about, providing ample opportunities for conversation topics. Head to Slottsträdgårdens café for a “fika” and either sit down and relax or continue your walk through the gardens surrounding the café.


Continue your walk towards Trianglen, visit stores along the way, and talk about anything that comes to mind. Once you reach Trianglen, you can head over to ICA, grab some food from the salad bar, and proceed to Pildamsparken. Pildamsparken is a massive park with lots to see and explore, offering a romantic setting for a bench-picnic with views over the pond and plenty of paths to get lost in together.


A Date for Those Who Want to Test Relationship Limits


For those seeking a challenge for their relationship, testing their strength and ability to work together, this date is perfect. It’s an activity and dinner in Malmö that might lead to a little argument or leave you stronger than ever. But jokes aside, engaging in an activity with your partner is an excellent way to build a stronger connection and feel like you can take on anything together.


You can choose to start your date with the activity or vice versa; the order is entirely up to you. For the sake of this article, let’s start with the activity.


Escape Room! There are a few places in Malmö where you can enjoy this activity. In an escape room scenario, you and your partner must figure things out and solve a puzzle to escape the room. It can be quite challenging, testing your patience with each other and requiring effective communication and teamwork. Two popular places in Malmö are ‘The Alley,’ close to Trianglen, and ‘Sherlocked,’ near the central station. You can choose from different scenarios and difficulty levels, with activities ranging from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the scenario and difficulty.


For dinner, conveniently located near both escape rooms, there’s a restaurant called Benne. They specialize in pasta dishes and offer a great deal of two meals and a bottle of wine, either red or white, for 250:-. If you’re looking to try a new place after your activity, Benne is the perfect spot for romance. Dinner after an escape room is an ideal way to unwind and discuss your shared experience.


Self-Care Valentine’s Day


Sometimes life makes it so that you feel lonely on days such as Valentines. But we have all been there, either by choice or not, it can still feel a little daunting. Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself this year.


To get out all your frustration don’t you sometimes just want to smash a plate against a wall? How about you paint a plate instead? ‘Ceramic and me’ helps you release your inner artist, and you create something beautiful and useful in the process. Take yourself out for a slow Sunday afternoon, let your imagination roam. Why not focus on the beauty of it all and go on to one of the many free art galleries in Malmö like classy ‘Malmö Konsthall’, weird ‘Galleri CC’ or innovative ‘Digitaliseum’. Best to end your self-care day with one of the amazing baked goods in ‘Café Jesusbaren’.


Or you can take a day at home to relax and recuperate after a taxing day of school and work. You could brew up a lovely cup of tea from Paloma, they have some really great blends! Kick back and relax, do you like to read? Splurge on a nice book. There are some wonderful places in Malmö where you could get a new copy of your favorite book or a plethora of libraries around town. Light some candles and try on a new facemask, you can find some fun ones at ‘Lush’ for example, or make one! Who doesn’t love a DIY moment? Take care of yourself and give yourself some love this year!


A Date to Share Silence and Laughter


This one is for those who do not like to chat endlessly, for those who think a spark can pass without many words and the movie freaks. With this you get to check whether the other can compromise between movie genres and whether they will judge you for being a pop culture victim. Why not opt for a weird movie like ‘Poor Things’ with Emma Stone to have many exciting things to discuss? Hands touching in the popcorn basket or discovering the other’s hidden glances in your direction make for a romantic mood.


After having spent a cozy time in the cinema, it is time to wake you back up and get the conversations going. The movie makes for an easy talking subject. ‘Panora’ is a good cinema option and makes you end up in Möllan with many fun bars around. You can go play pool in ‘Interpool’ Malmö that makes for a relaxed spot during the week. Whether you are a pool pro or disaster, the game will make you share some laughs. If you would rather talk and just get to know each other, you can go watch people watching and enjoy Malmö student life in ‘V.E.D’.


A Date for Those Who Want to Impress


Who doesn’t like to present themselves as cultured? Don’t forget to pull out your best turtleneck for a museum date.


From the ginormous swans to the heavenly looking outdoor area in the restaurant, Malmö Castle has plenty of interesting moments. Next to art exhibitions they also present history and prison stories from former castle prisoners. This date makes you learn something new and helps you figure out each other’s interests without having to ask for them. There is no way you come out without having learnt something fascinating, may it be about Vikings or Swedish history. The museum has different flyers which offer you to take a tour that is not the usual route, like the one with the title Queering Art. Also, a tip to impress your date: why not learn a few Viking facts or jokes about Danish people as preparation for your date. The castle walls have many hidden corners for a secret moment of romance. The beautiful hallways make you feel like you are in a historical drama.

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