Sum goes on summer vacation!

When are we coming back and what’s next?

The End

I am not really good with goodbyes, never have been, and I am sure I never will be.

Crossing my fingers until they hurt: here’s to return to campus next term

After two years of online-schooling, students in international programs are waiting to return to campus.

The Beauty of Malmö in Spring

Sometimes, it is very difficult to describe beauty with words.

Beredskap – Gaskök eller granne?

Något som tycks tappas bort i alla dessa upplysningar om gasolkök, vattenmängder och frystorkade grönsaker är något som är minst lika viktigt vid en kris: relationer.

When I was your age…

Is there a timeline that I’m supposed to follow, and if I don’t hit the mark, am I a failure?


Jag avskyr allt som rör sig. Värst av alla är jag.

Livet med det osynliga

Jag minns vad min neurolog sa den där dagen för femton år sedan när hon gav mig diagnosen: ”Du kommer att kunna leva i princip som alla andra”.

The Brown House

They sheltered me, protected me, yet could never become a home.

Missing Machiavelli

“Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.”